Consultancy Services

Consultancy Services

For any business, the data is the heart of the business and in digital world, where the business data is in soft format, on has to ensure that its data is safe and secure from unauthorized accesses. A security audit assesses how effectively your organization's security policies are being implemented. Our audits will show you where gaps and vulnerabilities might exist in your current systems and procedures. We ensure that the policies and procedures defined to function the software in an automated scenario are supporting the business goal having enough support to maintain CIA of the data. We have competencies to implement these standards and frameworks to help the organizations to protect their data.

Informtion Security

  • Web Application VAPT
  • Mobile Application VAPT
  • Website VAPT
  • Cloud Application VAPT
  • IT Infrastructure Audit
  • Network Audit
  • Corporate Network Penetration Testing
  • Functional Audit of Application
  • ITGC Audits
  • Information Systems Audit

Frameworks and Compliance

  • PIMS/GDPR based on BS-10012
  • ISMS based on ISO-27001
  • TQMS based on ISO-9001
  • BCMS based on ISO-22301
  • Risk Management based ISO-31000
  • ITIL/ITSMS based on ISO-20000
  • SOC-2
  • PA DSS
  • RBI, IRDA and SEBI Guidelines

Security Management

  • Cyber Security Policy Implementation
  • SIEM Implementation and Audit
  • System and Network Hardening
  • Application Code Review
  • Firewall Audit

Consultancy Services

  • Data Center Design
  • Network Architecture Design
  • Consultancy
  • IT Policy Preparation and Implementation
  • Corporate User Awareness Training
  • Gap Analysis
  • Process Re-engineering

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